Seal size does not matter on our FlexBadges that is why you will notice there are no seal sizes listed.  A FlexBadge has a specific area where a seal goes (seal pad).  This pad never changes in size. If the FlexBadge was made with a 15/16″ pad that is the size we will print the seal.  Because we are not applying an object we are printing a seal we can scale it to fit.  We can print any seal on any FlexBadge Seal pad. Meaning if our typical metal seal was 1″ we can scale this down and print it on a 15/16″ seal pad.  So, size doesn’t matter.

We show all our full color and background color seals as Flex Seals, because they are all available on FlexBadges.  Our plain and rim seals (aside from state) are not readily available.  We recognize there are duplicate seals; i.e., Mass full color state MA7, MA8, MA9 we list all seals, so the dealer that shops by typing in a style number will always retrieve the seal they are looking for.